Five *more* things you probably didn’t know about CS Lewis (6-10)

The latest in my Learn Something Every Day blog series. Five more interesting facts about CS Lewis (from The Great Courses’ “Life and Writings of CS Lewis”)

  1. CS Lewis is best known in Christian circles for his theological writings. But everyone else knows him for the seven connected stories which he wrote between 1949 and 1954, ‘The Chronicles of Narnia’.
  2. His closest friend was JRR Tolkien
  3. With Tolkien, he formed “Inklings” – a writers’ critique group where Narnia and Lord of the Rings were workshopped. (Oh my god, what I would have given to be at those meetings…)
  4. Lewis was so bad at math he was prohibited from entry to Oxford. So he joined the war effort and later got entry on veteran grounds.
  5. Lewis never read the newspaper