It’s just over one month until release day for my latest novel in e-book form. ‘Tread the Boards’ is one-third of a gorgeous printed anthology called ‘One from the Heart’ set in the fictional artsy town of Brachen that I partnered with Daniel de Lorne and Fiona Greene to write. In our minds, Brachen was […]
If you want it then put a ring on it
Happy Austrayaday, everyone. View image | For those not from the southern hemisphere, Australia Day commemorates ‘the first landing’ of Europeans on Australian soil, which (given Dutch and Chinese ocean explorers had been popping by our coast for centuries longer) of course means the first official sovereignty to land. The British, specifically. Landed and […]
Ready to get your Bard on (briefly)?
Finally we move away from the very long (but excellent value) Forensics course and I’ll be starting on Social Deviance next. But for the next week or so it’s a catch-up period with a couple of Learn Something New Every Day (s) taken from The Great Course’s Shakespeare: The Word and the Action that I did […]
Surprise release…!
Just discovered that my 2012 ‘Once a Rebel…’ is part of a three-book anthology released in June along with Amy Andrews and Natalie Anderson. What great company! Grab it from: Book Depository (free shipping worldwide) or in print/e-book Mills & Boon UK
That head’s gotta get through somehow
The latest in my ‘Learn Something New Every Day’ series… Taken from The Great Courses’ Trails of Evidence – How Forensic Science Works lecture series (Lecture 23 – Forensic Anthropology) Most people believe that a woman’s pelvic girdle widens at sexual maturity to cope with childbirth but this is, apparently, an untruth. Or at least a partial […]
Get your vote on
It’s voting time! The first round of DABWAHA is now on and my bracket is coming up midnight to midday central time (March 21). If you’d like to throw a vote my way pop on over to and cast your vote. It’s very easy, just pick and click. Last book standing wins…something. Dunno, it’s […]
Free M&B reader app, free Nikki Logan book
iPhone/iPad users, if you want to keep all your M&B/Harlequin product together and read it on one comfortable-to-read app, get thee over to iTunes and check out the new M&B Reader . You’ll get nine (count ’em!) free books including my Kimberley-set romance “Their Newborn Gift”. Score!
Dabwaha finalist!
Great news! “His Until Midnight” has been nominated in the Category class of the 2014 Dabwaha contest. On March 18/19 voting will be open to whittle down the 64 entries in the literary equivalent of cage-fighting. Complete with trash talk. You can vote here if the mood takes you (but there’s nothing there until the […]
What Hollywood gets wrong – indented text from the paper above it
Something New Every Day – Lecture 13 – Handwriting and forgery analysis The TV cliché of a detective lightly rubbing a pencil on an indented document to read what was scrawled on the page above it would never be used in a real forensic situation. Doing that ruins the paper for fingerprinting or any further […]